We’re rehearsing for the recital and I’ve thrown a tough item at the dancers.
Today I added newer and more challenging steps to the routine. A verrrryyy interesting and wonderful thing is happening. In the beginning the dancers couldn’t get the counts, couldn’t get the steps. They were all over the place. I knew this would happen, predicted it and told them—in the beginning—to be prepared for it.
Now, with the new steps - the previously challenging steps are a breeze. And it keeps happening over and over again. As I watched them digest and run through the new choreo, I witnessed their ease at performing past choreography. Previously difficult moves ceased to become a concern… left behind to allow for new beginnings. What was… has now become the past! Forget it. Let it be.
Once the lights come up and the music starts, there’s no going back. Keep dancing until the song ends…towards the applause.