Sunday, August 12, 2007

La Vie En Rose

It took me a good three minutes to grasp the pronunciation of La Vie en Rose (us Americans have little to do with the French and I have honestly forgotten much about this foreign tongue that I'd once learnt in high school).

And so, when someone suggested that we go catch La Vie en Rose, the latest movie to hit town, I replied in the positive, not knowing what the movie was about. What I experienced changed my perception of cinematic performances by an actress forever.

Up until now I’d thought the US was the resounding force behind acting excellence and academy award-winning performances…hogwash!

La Vie en Rose, in my humble opinion, was not a movie that made the best chronological sense. For instance, I found the script disjointed, continuity in chaos and historical reference incongruous. Case in point, I couldn't make out the exact sequence of Édith Piaf's life, when she had her child and when she started suffering from her morphine and alcohol addiction.

However, Marion Cotillard’s performance of Édith Piaf was one of the most extraordinary performances I had ever witnessed. Before lavishing in Marion’s engagement I’d only relished in performances from divas like Meryl Streep, Hilary Shwank, Jody Foster, Angela Basset or Diana Ross (my favorite actresses in Hollywood award-winning performances).

That has all changed.

What Marion has done for the 20th Century is a peek back to theatrical brilliances of Bettie Davis, Elizabeth Taylor and Vivian Lee. Few of you may know these female divas. It matters not. Marion Cotillard is your portal back in time.

You NEED TO SEE Ms Cotillard’s performance.

Why? Check this out.

The acting stops entirely. What Marion does is not mere acting. It is pure and simply the total immersion of a contemporary mortal into that of a presence who existed long ago. Set your preconcepts aside and just go and watch how deep an individual is willing to go to capture the full passion of life…Marion Cotillard does this - she grabs you and yanks you through a cinematic escapade that will have you tilting your head in doubt the next time you watch local productions.

La Vie en Rose
has delivered next year’s Oscar winner. Mark my words. If Marion doesn’t stomp away with an academy award I’ll eat my dance shorts.

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