Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Art of Learning

Richard Bach implied in his book ‘Illusions’ that those who impart knowledge are teaching what they need to learn most…

Initially I'd thought, ‘What Hogwash!’.

I’d been proven wrong.

In my workshops, stage direction and choreographic assignments I’d often been praised for my patience, non-judgmental approach and kindness when working with amateurs and professionals. This, apparently, is the gift I’ve been bestowed to motivate and improve participants in ways they are unfamiliar with.

However, I’d realized I’m a stick in the mud when it comes to considering partners within my personal life. I’d always been so fussy about whom I associate with and consider some behavior unworthy of my time to pursue and had often sought only those individuals who share my values, morals and observations.

It just dawned on me, whilst lounging in my hammock that I do need to learn most of which I teach…

I have inadvertently become a student of life.


“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.”

Chinese Proverb

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