Thursday, September 27, 2007

Till The Next Song Plays

I ended the "Best of Jazz" Dance Workshop series on the evening of Mid-Autumn's night. In a way, it's symbolic for it's come one full circle. My greatest joy as a coach is to see my students grow, in mind and in spirit. My soul sings when I see them progress. It's the greatest joy that any instructor can get.

Today, I'm going to share with you a note which another one of my dance students sent me... she's basically asking if we are all born to dance. Here's our exchange.


Dear Bill,

I've been thinking about this all night and need to get it off my chest because I will otherwise go insane(r). This was prompted by your class last night where I saw how challenged I was in terms of co-ordination.

What I'm wondering after all that is - Are dancers born to dance? I'm thinking some people have that grace and the uncanny knack to just be able to move - fluidly and languidly in such an effortless way whereas others (i.e. me) move like an old puttering station wagon (heavily and in a very slothlike/constipated manner).

Second part to this is, even if we aren't born dancers, can we train ourselves to get better at it or will there always be limits as to how much a person can do (the barrier being the shortcomings in one's natural abilities and talents)?

Sorry I'm analysing this ad nauseum. All of this is leading to a bigger question which plays in my head - are we all born with a purpose and if so, what is mine on this planet?

Musings on a wicked Wednesday...


To all my dancing divas reading this:

There are no born dancers. We are all born to

I have seen -- time and time again -- individuals that momentarily failed at all sorts of performance art to later become supreme in their trade. It is not so much the plumbing of the body as it is the wiring within the head.

You have all progressed from all kinds of awkwardness to that which you achieved in my workshops.

You don't see it because you are blind to your own progress - its like driving in a car and looking out the side window -- at the landscape/horizon -- and having it appear as if you aren't moving. If however, you were gazing, from the horizon, at the speeding car, you would see the progression. You, like others are the car. I am viewing from the horizon.

I have found that it's got to do with one's lack of self-belief that deters them to achieve and to reach greater heights. It really is no different to any other pursuit. Physically, of course there are certain limitations - inherent flexibility for instance. Aside from that though there is little else that cannot be strengthened.

You see, the mind controls a lot of what goes on while dancing. Turns, tempo, retention of choreography, height when jumping, feelings, reaction, forcefulness and the like are all processes of the mind. Unless you are mentally challenged there are few limitations except those that we set upon ourselves. That's why I go on and on about letting go and allowing the music to get inside and stop the inner-analysis - for the more you think, the less you can do. It really is the truth!

It's a bit like how you deal with challenges at work, in daily life, in inter-personal relationships - apply that to the dance floor and you'd be able to draw parallels - its all about how we view ourselves and our abilities.

See you all, on the dance floor soon.


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