Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Sky's The Limit

Cartoons and animation flicks have never really been my scene. I am certain many blokes would be able to empathise with me.

I was recently persuaded to watch Ratatouille, which is an animation feature film produced by Pixar about the story of Rémy, a rat (who is also an aspiring chef) living in Paris.

Then lo and behold! I became besotted with the flick! And mind you, very few animations actually strike a chord in me. The only other one that I enjoyed was “Spirit”, which jerked me to tears.

Ratatouille (pronounced Rat-a-too-ee) is seriously one of the best flicks I’ve ever watched. The content is excellent, animation is brilliant and for an animation picture, it's got great choreography (yes, I suffer from occupational hazard). But the most important part is that it is a great story, one that tugs at our heartstrings and teaches us something.

Ratatouille is above all else a rousing story on life's lessons - that no one is too small, too short, too tall, too old or too wee to have dreams, that even a little Parisian rat can be an acclaimed chef.

There are many people whom I'd come across who tell me that they are in fear, in doubt (about their ability) or simply lack the confidence to be the best that they can be. For folks in these situation, I'd suggest that you take a trip down to the nearest cinema to watch this inspirational flick.

The connection between cartoon and content is what sets this little critter movie apart from all the others produced by Pixar and Disney.

Who would have guessed a reel about our little rodents friends could touch all that we aspire to in terms of reaching for hope and happiness?

Go see and tell me how it moves you…

Ps. In the meantime, check out some of my creations here


Anonymous said...

Ratatouille moved me too. But I still can't cook to save my life.

angelsketchbook said...

Very nice and touching show.
Many times, we are lack of this determination and perserverance to be who we really are.
its something which I have been wanting to achieve also..
Bill has achieve this very well..
I wish one day I can too..